CFD OpenFOAM Practical Course-OP1 2024 Run2
Agenda: 12 Online-Live Lectures x 90 min from November 20 to December 30, Mondays and Wednesday 16:30-18:00 Berlin Time. This is a Supervised-Live Online Course for both beginners starting OpenFOAM and OpenFOAM Users who want to be in live discussions with top OpenFOAM Instructor and Teaching Assistants, for the required OpenFOAM programing and customizing towards advanced computation fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations. Recordings of the live lectures will be available after each lecture for more than 6 months for the registered participants.
Registration Deadline: November 19, for Early Registration Discount 20% November 07.

This course covers OpenFOAM installation and running on different systems, CFD Finite Volume modeling and discretization, mesh generation, boundary conditions and solution algorithms settings, simulation and post processing, along with practical CFD projects.
According to our experience with more than 500 CFD students and participants of our CFD courses in 2023 and 2024 organized by the WAC Transport Phenomena Academy, the approach of this course also is providing interactive live discussions between the WAC Professors (Prof. Hamidreza Norouzi and Colleagues), Experts and Students with complementary extra supports of WAC Teaching Assistants needed to reach required skills for practical CFD Simulations.
- Session 1: An introduction to Transport Phenomena and Practical Guide for OpenFOAM Installation
- Session 2: Introduction To Computational Fluid dynamics
- Session 3: Discritization of equations (Part 1)
- Session 4: Discritization of equations (Part 2)
- Session 5: Basic mesh generation tools in OpenFOAM
- Session 6: Complex mesh generation in OpenFOAM
- Session 7: Boundary conditions and numerical solvers for sets
- Session 8: Pressure-velocity coupling
- Session 9: Reactive flow simulation
- Session 10: Multi-phase flow simulation
- Session 11: Parallel processing and turbulent modeling in OpenFOAM
- Session 12: Customizing OpenFOAM (C++ programming)
More details of the lectures can be find following
Session 1: An introduction to Transport Phenomena and Naiver Stokes Equations, and Practical Guide for Installation and Running OpenFoAM
Session 2: Introduction To Computational Fluid dynamics
- Theory:
â—¦ Main transport equations in fluid flow systems
â—¦ Basics of finite volume method (FVM)
â—¦ Tools for CFD - Practical:
â—¦ Simulation: First simulation in OpenFOAM (cavity flow)
â—¦ Tools and solvers: Paraview, foamToVTK, icoFoam
â—¦ Folders and files structure (controlDict, transport properties and polyMesh and 0) - Homework #1:
â—¦ In compressible flow in an expansion duct using icoFoam.
â—¦ Post-processing (using OpenFOAM or Paraview) the results to obtain pressure drop and
loss coefficient
Session 3: Discritization of equations (Part 1) - Theory:
â—¦ Discritization of transient diffusion equation
â—¦ Space discritization: snGradient, Laplacian and gradient
â—¦ Time discritization: Explicit, Implicit, Crank-Nickelson methods
â—¦ Applying of boundary and initial conditions - Practical:
â—¦ Simulation of transient heat conduction in slab (fvSchemes file)
â—¦ Tools and solvers: laplacianFoam, postProcess (probe and grad), Paraview - Homework #2:
â—¦ Transient heat transfer for in a CPU and its cooling system.
â—¦ Specifying sources terms using fvModels.
â—¦ Specifying new boundary condition for convective heat transfer
Session 4: Discritization of equations (Part 2) - Theory:
â—¦ Divergence term and convection-diffusion equation
â—¦ up-winded , TVD, NVD methods
â—¦ Interpolation schemes
â—¦ Mesh metrics and method selection recommendation - Practical:
â—¦ Shock tube with various discritization schemes (at least discuss 5 schemes)
â—¦ Tools and solvers: scalarTransportFoam, setFields, Paraview - Homework #3:
â—¦ False diffusion (mesh is given)
â—¦ Investigating various divergence methods on structured and unstructured meshes
Session 5: Basic mesh generation tools in OpenFOAM - Theory:
â—¦ Mesh elements
â—¦ Mesh metrics - Practical:
â—¦ mesh generation using blockMesh
â—¦ mesh refinement
â—¦ Mesh conversion and importing mesh from third-party tools
â—¦ checkMesh tool for evaluating mesh - Homework #4: (mesh independency):
â—¦ Flow in tube to investigate the mesh independency (topoSet and probe are used)
Session 6: Complex mesh generation in OpenFOAM - Practical:
â—¦ snappyHexMesh is fully explained
â—¦ A complex mesh is created for motorbike or similar ones - Homework #5: Given and stl file, generate a mesh for a tank with an stirrer
Session 7: Boundary conditions and numerical solvers for sets - Theory:
â—¦ Various boundary conditions from basic to derived boundary conditions for inlet, outlet,
far-field, free-stream, heat transfer with convection and etc.
â—¦ Various linear solvers in OpenFOAM
â—¦ Gauss-Siedel
â—¦ Descent methods
â—¦ Conjugate gradient
â—¦ Preconditioning and etc. - Practical:
â—¦ Flow simulation in a TJunction
â—¦ tools and solvers: icoFoam, blockMesh, fvSolution file - Homework #6: Vortex shedding and flow over cylinder. (blockMesh for multi-block mesh
generation, mirrorMesh, postProcessing, symmetric boundary condition)
Session 8: Pressure-velocity coupling - Theory:
â—¦ SIMPLE, Piso, pimple algorithms
â—¦ Under-relaxation of equations and fields
â—¦ CFL number
◦ Various solvers (pimpleFoam, simpleFoam, …) - Practical:
â—¦ heat and ventilation in a room simulation
â—¦ tools and solvers: buoyantSimpleFoam, topoSet, createPatch, and physical properties
models - Homework #7: heat transfer in a tube (postProcessing, rhoSimpleFoam, foamLog for
Session 9: Reactive flow simulation - Theory:
â—¦ Basic equations
â—¦ Physical properties models in OpenFOAM.
â—¦ Reaction models and tools for reactive flows - Practical:
â—¦ Reacting flow of methane combustion in an elbow
â—¦ tools and solvers: reactingFoam, fluentMeshToFoam, reaction properties, physical
Session 10: Multi-phase flow simulation - Theory:
â—¦ VOF formulation
â—¦ effect of mesh refinement - Practical:
â—¦ Simulation of dam-break with and without mesh refinement
â—¦ Solvers and tools: interFoam, dynamic mesh, Paraview - Homework #8:
â—¦ Injection of bubbles into a quiescent liquid.
Session 11: Parallel processing and turbulent modeling in OpenFOAM - Theory:
â—¦ Domain decomposition concept
â—¦ RAS turbulent models
â—¦ wall functions - Practical:
â—¦ Turbulent flow passing through a propeller
â—¦ tools and solvers: pimpleFoam, snappyHexMesh, surfaceFeatures, createBaffels,
dynamicMesh, decomposePar, reconstructPar, mpirun, Paraview
Session 12: Customizing OpenFOAM (C++ programming) - Creating a new solver in OpenFOAM
- Defining new boundary conditions using coded boundary condition
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