This Supervised-Live Online-Course on Fluid Dynamics is an opportunity for all students, engineers, and experts in different fields who want to start learning fluid dynamics from the first step, towards university level fluid dynamics science, and related advanced research works and practical projects. The course starts from high school Physics & Math and covers following scopes within 15 Lectures x 80 min (8 weeks): Registration Link:
Selected References for This Course:
1- Munson, Bruce R., Theodore H. Okiishi, Wade W. Huebsch, and A. P. Rothmayer. Fluid Mechanics, SI Version. Wiley, 2013.
2- Bird, R. Byron, Warren E. Stewai, and Edwin N. Lightfoot. “Phenomena Second Edition.”
3-Cengel, Yunus, and John Cimbala. Ebook: Fluid mechanics fundamentals and applications (si units). McGraw Hill, 2013. Fluid Mechanics Books of White, Munson and Cengel (et al.) and Transport Phenomena Book of Byron Bird et al.
4-White, Frank M. “University of rhode island. fluid mechanics.” (2009).
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