Course Title: An Introduction to Machine Learning with Python Programming. This live course has been running in September 4 to October 3, 2023, 9 Sessions x 90 min, within 5 Weeks. The recorded video here are accessible for off-line participants, while they can still benefits also discussion forums and communication with our instructors and teaching assistants for further supports. Summary of the course content and notes by Teaching Assistants are provided here. Full recorded video of the live sessions by the instructor is accessible via following registration form
Ph.D. Candidate Pejman Ebrahimi (WAC Expert in Data Science, Python, and Machine Learning).
Dr. Vahid Hosseinzadeh (WAC Expert in Machine Learning and Python Programming, Ph.D. in Computational Physics, Ph.D. Candidate in Machine Learning).
Course Content and Agenda:
Section I- Introduction to Python Programming
Session 1– AI and Machine Learning Importance in Fundamental Studies and Technological Applications, Data type, Operators, Variables, String, Formatted string.
Session 2- List, Tuple, Dictionary, Sets, Conditional logic, For loop.
Session 3- Iterate on List and dictionary, while loop and introduction to function.
Session 4– Function and scope in Python, Functional programming.
Session 5– Object-oriented programming (OOP) & Error handling & Modules.
Section II- Introduction to Machine Learning
Session 6– Pandas, Numpy
Session 7– Matplotlib, Machine learning with scikit-learn (Supervised learning: Regression)
Session 8– Machine learning with scikit-learn (Supervised learning: Classification)
Session 9– Introduction to Deep Learning
About the Instructor: Working Group of the Machine Learning with Python
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