Computational Fluid Dynamics Simulation using OpenFOAM: A basic course for both beginners starting OpenFOAM and OpenFOAM Users towards Advanced CFD Simulations, via practical Online-Live discussions and selected homework within 12 Online-Live Lectures x 90 min, covering Following Topics and Steps. Agenda: June 17 to July 24, Mondays and Wednesday 4:00-5:30 Berlin Time,
Organizer: World-Academies, Knowledge Management Startup at Technical University of Dresden, Germany
Registration Deadline: June 14, for Early Registration Discount 20% June 02 (Please note: As the course capacity is limited to 30 Participants for providing efficient live interaction discussions during lecture time, the registration might be closed earlier).
- Session 1: An introduction to Transport Phenomena and Practical Guide for OpenFOAM Installation
- Session 2: Introduction To Computational Fluid dynamics
- Session 3: Discritization of equations (Part 1)
- Session 4: Discritization of equations (Part 2)
- Session 5: Basic mesh generation tools in OpenFOAM
- Session 6: Complex mesh generation in OpenFOAM
- Session 7: Boundary conditions and numerical solvers for sets
- Session 8: Pressure-velocity coupling
- Session 9: Reactive flow simulation
- Session 10: Multi-phase flow simulation
- Session 11: Parallel processing and turbulent modeling in OpenFOAM
- Session 12: Customizing OpenFOAM (C++ programming)
Course Content Details
Session 1: An introduction to Transport Phenomena and Naiver Stokes Equations, and Practical Guide for Installation and Running OpenFoAM
Session 2: Introduction To Computational Fluid dynamics
- Theory:
◦ Main transport equations in fluid flow systems
◦ Basics of finite volume method (FVM)
◦ Tools for CFD - Practical:
◦ Simulation: First simulation in OpenFOAM (cavity flow)
◦ Tools and solvers: Paraview, foamToVTK, icoFoam
◦ Folders and files structure (controlDict, transport properties and polyMesh and 0) - Homework #1:
◦ In compressible flow in an expansion duct using icoFoam.
◦ Post-processing (using OpenFOAM or Paraview) the results to obtain pressure drop and
loss coefficient
Session 3: Discritization of equations (Part 1) - Theory:
◦ Discritization of transient diffusion equation
◦ Space discritization: snGradient, Laplacian and gradient
◦ Time discritization: Explicit, Implicit, Crank-Nickelson methods
◦ Applying of boundary and initial conditions - Practical:
◦ Simulation of transient heat conduction in slab (fvSchemes file)
◦ Tools and solvers: laplacianFoam, postProcess (probe and grad), Paraview - Homework #2:
◦ Transient heat transfer for in a CPU and its cooling system.
◦ Specifying sources terms using fvModels.
◦ Specifying new boundary condition for convective heat transfer
Session 4: Discritization of equations (Part 2) - Theory:
◦ Divergence term and convection-diffusion equation
◦ up-winded , TVD, NVD methods
◦ Interpolation schemes
◦ Mesh metrics and method selection recommendation - Practical:
◦ Shock tube with various discritization schemes (at least discuss 5 schemes)
◦ Tools and solvers: scalarTransportFoam, setFields, Paraview - Homework #3:
◦ False diffusion (mesh is given)
◦ Investigating various divergence methods on structured and unstructured meshes
Session 5: Basic mesh generation tools in OpenFOAM - Theory:
◦ Mesh elements
◦ Mesh metrics - Practical:
◦ mesh generation using blockMesh
◦ mesh refinement
◦ Mesh conversion and importing mesh from third-party tools
◦ checkMesh tool for evaluating mesh - Homework #4: (mesh independency):
◦ Flow in tube to investigate the mesh independency (topoSet and probe are used)
Session 6: Complex mesh generation in OpenFOAM - Practical:
◦ snappyHexMesh is fully explained
◦ A complex mesh is created for motorbike or similar ones - Homework #5: Given and stl file, generate a mesh for a tank with an stirrer
Session 7: Boundary conditions and numerical solvers for sets - Theory:
◦ Various boundary conditions from basic to derived boundary conditions for inlet, outlet,
far-field, free-stream, heat transfer with convection and etc.
◦ Various linear solvers in OpenFOAM
◦ Gauss-Siedel
◦ Descent methods
◦ Conjugate gradient
◦ Preconditioning and etc. - Practical:
◦ Flow simulation in a TJunction
◦ tools and solvers: icoFoam, blockMesh, fvSolution file - Homework #6: Vortex shedding and flow over cylinder. (blockMesh for multi-block mesh
generation, mirrorMesh, postProcessing, symmetric boundary condition)
Session 8: Pressure-velocity coupling - Theory:
◦ SIMPLE, Piso, pimple algorithms
◦ Under-relaxation of equations and fields
◦ CFL number
◦ Various solvers (pimpleFoam, simpleFoam, …) - Practical:
◦ heat and ventilation in a room simulation
◦ tools and solvers: buoyantSimpleFoam, topoSet, createPatch, and physical properties
models - Homework #7: heat transfer in a tube (postProcessing, rhoSimpleFoam, foamLog for
Session 9: Reactive flow simulation - Theory:
◦ Basic equations
◦ Physical properties models in OpenFOAM.
◦ Reaction models and tools for reactive flows - Practical:
◦ Reacting flow of methane combustion in an elbow
◦ tools and solvers: reactingFoam, fluentMeshToFoam, reaction properties, physical
Session 10: Multi-phase flow simulation - Theory:
◦ VOF formulation
◦ effect of mesh refinement - Practical:
◦ Simulation of dam-break with and without mesh refinement
◦ Solvers and tools: interFoam, dynamic mesh, Paraview - Homework #8:
◦ Injection of bubbles into a quiescent liquid.
Session 11: Parallel processing and turbulent modeling in OpenFOAM - Theory:
◦ Domain decomposition concept
◦ RAS turbulent models
◦ wall functions - Practical:
◦ Turbulent flow passing through a propeller
◦ tools and solvers: pimpleFoam, snappyHexMesh, surfaceFeatures, createBaffels,
dynamicMesh, decomposePar, reconstructPar, mpirun, Paraview
Session 12: Customizing OpenFOAM (C++ programming) - Creating a new solver in OpenFOAM
- Defining new boundary conditions using coded boundary condition
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