World-Academies Organizes Interactive Online-Live Course entitled “Practical CFD Simulation with OpenFoam & CFD Platforms” every three months. The course spans 16 sessions over 8 weeks, held on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 16:00 to 17:30 (Berlin Time). It covers fundamental topics in fluid dynamics, material and energy balance, mass and heat transfer, Navier-Stokes Equations, computational solution algorithms, and CFD simulations using OpenFoam and CFD Software. Participants will receive a one-year Academic License for SimScale and may have the opportunity to collaborate with World-Academies and partners on CFD projects. We have already organized two runs with contributions of more than 100 international students and experts from more than 30 countries and currently we are involved in Run3 from 05 March to 30 April. You try to catch this run or be considered in waiting list of the next run. From 22 April also CFD Simulations for Multiphase Flows will be started. The other related running courses are Fluid Mechanics, Heat and Mass Transport Phenomena and Turbulence Course.
Next Online-Live Course: Practical CFD Simulation Course1: OpenFoam & CFD Software-Run3 (March 05 to April 30, 2024, 8 weeks every Tuesday and Thursday 16:00-17:30).
About the course:
World-Academies, the Knowledge Management Startup for Remote Training and Research (RTR) collaborations, based at Technical University of Dresden in Germany, organizes online course “Practical CFD Simulation with OpenFoam & CFD Platforms” such as SimScale from March 05 to April 30, 2024. The course is designed to be presented within 17 sessions x 90 min, (9 Weeks, Tuesdays and Thursdays, 16:00-17:30, Berlin Time Zone), covering subjects from basic concepts of material and energy balance, fluid dynamics, mass & heat transfer and Navier-Stokes Equations towards computational solution algorithms and CFD simulations using OpenFoam and CFD Software. The participants will be supported for one-year Academic License of SimScale, our industrial partner. The selected participants can work with World-Academies and partners as RTR collaborators on related CFD projects.
Some highlights:
- In addition to the certification for the participants, the Professors can provide recommendation letters for the active participants, involved in discussions during the course, and replying the tasks and small simulation projects.
- In addition to 16 main lectures, there will be also a workshop session on SimScale for two hours.
- The participants will receive one year SimScale Academic License.
- In addition to the main lecture time, team working will be promoted via Teaching Assistant supports, and online office advisory supports by the instructors and professors.
Online Registration Form:
Course Content
Part I: Theoretical Concepts
Basic Transport Phenomena (Fluid Dynamics, Heat & Mass Transfer), Navier Stokes Equations, Approximate and Computational Solutions.
Session1: Basic conservation laws of mass & energy transport phenomena, momentum shell balance.
S2: Fluid Mechanics, Heat & Mass Transfer (overview on essential concepts)
S3: Navier-Stokes Equations
S4: Turbulent Flows, Concepts & Modeling (RANS, Wall Functions, SST K-W & K-Epsilon, LES, RMS).
Part II-Finite Difference
S5- Introduction to numerical simulations as alternative solutions for N.S. Equations.
-Classification of the partial differential equations (parabolic, elliptic, and hyperbolic)
-Discretization and numerical solution algorithms
S6- Compressibility Effects
-1D and 2D Euler Equations
– Poisson Equation for pressure.
S7- Boundary Conditions.
S8- Multiphase System Simulation: Front Tracking, Front Capturing, VOF, Surface Force, Interfacial Properties, Soft Matter B.C..
Part III: Learning CFD with OpenFOAM, a Practical Approach
Part III: Learning CFD with OpenFOAM, a Practical Approach
S9: First simulation in OpenFOAM (simple heat transfer and internal fluid flow )
S10: Mesh generation, quality and tools in OpenFOAM
S11: Discretization and numeric consideration in OpenFOAM (1), 1D simulation
S12: Discretization and numeric consideration in OpenFOAM (2), multi-dimensional simulation
S13: Pressure-velocity coupling algorithms, external flow simulation in OpenFOAM, various boundary conditions
S14: Physical properties and reaction models in OpenFOAM, simultaneous heat transfer and reaction simulation.
S15: Mixing operation in OpenFOAM (use of snappy HexMesh and mesh motion)
S16: Code programing & customization in OpenFOAM, creating a new solver in OpenFOAM.
S17 (Extra session): Turbulence modeling in OpenFOAM
Note: The mentioned topics will be covered during 16 sessions, however, depends on the course progress the topics might be transferred from one to another sessions, a bit earlier or later.
Registration Fee and Payments:
The regular registration fee is 150 Euro. Discounts: Students 50%, World Academies (WAC) Members* 50 % , WAC-Students 60 %, WAC Group Leaders** & Selected RTR Applicants*** 100 % (free). WAC can consider 20% of the course capacity for the selected WAC RTR Applicants and Group Leaders.
Payment Method:
Please transfer your registration fee via Paypal or Credit Card implemented in online registration form during submission or directly via Paypal payment to @worldacademies ( ). Deadline is 20 December, however, the priority of the registration confirmation is for the participants who complete the registration earlier. Transactions after 20 December and late registration can be charged extra 30% as the course has already certain discount awarded by the World-Academies. For any support please to: )
Former Related Course (Run1) Was organized October 10 to November 30, 2023.
About the Instructors: CFD Simulation OpenFoam Working Group
You must log in and have started this course to submit a review.
Course Content
Part I: Basis of Fluid Mechanics and Theoretical Concepts
About Instructor