Fluid Dynamics, Heat & Mass Transport Phenomena-Run1, 2025
February 18, to April 03, 2025, (14 Lectures x 90 min, 7 Weeks, Tuesdays & Thursdays, 18:00-19:30, Berlin Time Zone). (Registration Form👇 , Deadline: February 17, Early Registration Discount: January 24).

This is a basic course starting from high school physics “Second Newton’s Law F=m*a” & Math “Slope=(Fx2-Fx1)/(x2-x1)”, towards understanding fluid mechanics basis (e.g. attached clip), material & energy conservation laws, and deriving Navier-Stokes Equations including heat and mass transfer modeling, within 14 Lectures x 90 min.
This Online Live Course is an opportunity for all engineers, and experts in fundamental science and biomedical engineering towards conceptual and mathematical modeling of their cases studies. In particular it can be a very helpful course for CFD Users empowering them for more efficient and reliable CFD Simulations for complex practical processes and fruitful postprocessing data analysis. (Registration Form 👇 ).
Course Content
Lecture 1: Mass & Energy Balance in Nature & Industrial Process: General Concepts & Modeling
Lecture 2: From Basic Newtonian Second Law F=m*a Towards Fluid Mechanics Modeling.
Lecture 3: Mass Conservation Law and Continuity Equation for Fluid Flows.
Lecture 4: Energy Conservation Law and Momentum Balance
Lecture 5: Deriving Navier-Stokes Equations form Base for Different Practical Case Studies
Lecture 6: Full Navier-Stokes Equations for Modeling Natural Phenomena & Technological Process.
Lecture 7: Heat Conduction Transport Mechanism.
Lecture 8: Convective Heat Transfer (Coupled Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer)
Lecture 9: Mass Transfer, Diffusion and Convective Transport Mechanisms
Lecture 10: Practical Examples of Mass Transfer
Lecture 11: Compressible Flows, Combined Thermodynamic Heat and Mass Transfer
Lecture 12: Exact Solutions & Numerical CFD Simulations of Fluid Flow & Heat Transfer
Lecture 13: An Overview on Empirical Modeling for Mechanical Engineering Calculations and Design (Relationships of Euler, Bernoulli, and Navier-Stokes Approaches for Pipelines, Pumps and Turbines Shaft Works, Internal and External Flows)
Lecture 14: Turbulent Flows, Concepts & Modeling (RANS, K-W & K-Epsilon, LES).
Selected references discussed during this course: Transport Phenomena (Bird, including fluid mechanics, heat and mass transfer), Heat Transfer Holman, Fluid Mechanics Cengel, CFD Versteeg.
Registration Form
I have registered for this course but I can’t find it on my account nor have received an email after paying
I think you found it Shehab and attended our course already.
I have registered for this course but I can’t find it on my account nor have received an email after paying. I see the same thing happened to Shehab…. Does it take long for the confirmation to arrive? When will the course be available to me?
Dear Joao, I think you received already confirmation on 10 October, with course details and all required link to attend live lectures and course group. I see you are already in our course already.