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How Social Media is Reshaping Today’s Education System

This is an example of notes and papers (by Lori Wade) indicating how is important that we use more efficiently and practically the social media for education:

The bottom line is that social media is a big part of our day to day life and there’s no point of keeping it away from the education process. School, college and university staff should be encouraged to make use of technology for student and parent communication. This could easily turn into an argumentative essay topic for college. But the benefits are obvious, starting with healthier parent-teacher relationships and all the way to permanently changing the way our children will learn.

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  1. I first started using WhatsApp as a medium in 2014, when it was new, to connect with my MBA students with the passed out MBA students to understand their workplace and to understand the practical application of what they study. It did work out and also had other activities happening as the concept was new then.

    1. Dear Shoban, thanks for your valuable comments and contributions, on World Academies (WAC) not only the profile content and the individual interests of the users are important, but also the group activities (academic/technical/scientific/training) are also very much important for our users, to experience group discussion, team working and group learning, which have been the key points of human civilization progress. We would like to thanks WAC group leaders establishing interesting and powerful groups, and WAC users and experts whom participate and support group working activities.