Machine Learning Python Course1-Recorded-Live Lectures
Once we should switch from “reading about AI” to “Learning AI Techniques such as Machine Learning”. This online course is based on the recorded videos of our recent course (September and November 2023-WAC-ML1-2023 and April-July 2024 for Technical University of Dresden, Germany), including 9 full lectures, starting from very beginning, teaching Python within 5 lectures and basis of Machine Learning within 4 Lectures. When you have questions on lectures and need online advise you will be supported by the WAC Instructors and Teaching Assistants, available in weekly open office via direct WAC audio-video call and live discussions in WAC Machine Learning Working Group:

We have had this great opportunity to organize 3 Runs of Live Course on “Machine Learning and Python for Beginners in All Fields” on World-Academies (Startup of Technical University of Dresden, Germany) . It was actually a very efficient course. More than 80 participants attended from different fields, engineering, biomedical, environmental and social science, etc. Some didn’t have any background in Python and Machine Learning, and were able to learn effectively as following:
1-Being familiar with Google Colab which has installed Python and Machine Learning Tools.
2-Learning Python within 4 sessions x90 min: Data types, Variables, Operators, List, Tuple, Dictionary, Sets, Conditional logic, For loop, Functions and Object-Oriented Programing
3-Learning basic Machine Learning within 4 sessions x 90 min: Pandas and Numpy for big data file import, analysis, handling missing data, statistical analysis, smart graphical analysis, image processing and Supervised Learning Classification, and an overview on Deep Learning.
Definitely we need certain time to be an expert to apply machine learning for complex problems. However learning basis via small projects and tasks, means releasing our boat in AI River which finally would reach to the ocean of applications and opportunities in future.
You can take this online course based on the recorded video of our recent course, via attached registration form. Here you can see the summary of one of the recent lectures: and link to full video (a selected clip about Image processing via Machine Learning is attached).
Registration Form
Course Content and Agenda:
Section I- Introduction to Python Programming
Session 1– AI and Machine Learning Importance in Fundamental Studies and Technological Applications, Data type, Operators, Variables, String, Formatted string.
Session 2- List, Tuple, Dictionary, Sets, Conditional logic, For loop.
Session 3- Iterate on List and dictionary, while loop and introduction to function.
Session 4– Function and scope in Python, Functional programming.
Session 5– Object-oriented programming (OOP) & Error handling & Modules.
Section II- Introduction to Machine Learning
Session 6– Pandas, Numpy
Session 7– Matplotlib, Machine learning with scikit-learn (Supervised learning: Regression)
Session 8– Machine learning with scikit-learn (Supervised learning: Classification)
Session 9– Introduction to Deep Learning
About the Instructor: Working Group of the Machine Learning with Python
You can also attend the new basic course on World-Academies to Learn Python and Machine Learning within 8 sessions in November 2023, with advisory supports of the WAC instructors and Teaching Assistants, available in weekly open office via direct WAC audio-video call and live discussions in WAC Machine Learning Working Group:
#AI #MachineLearning #PythonCourse #OnlineEducation #WorldAcademies