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Mobile App Development Course: from Idea to App Store Success

Including live sample code programing via Flutter and “Open Office” supports on World-Academies to discuss friendly with the instructors and Teaching Assistants (extra hours during the week). An opportunity to initiate Mobile App development for your projects and business. Online Course, 12 Sessions x 60 min, 6 Weeks July 03 to August 09, Wednesdays and Fridays 19:00-20:00, Berlin Time). Registration form is following (Deadline: 15 June 2023, Early Registration Discount 30 May, can be closed earlier due to course capacity limit). Let us know if you have any further questions and need our supports via email to: workshop@world-academies.com

Registration Form:

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Course Contents and Lectures

Lecture 1. Mobile Application Development

-Why Flutter and Dart? Setup Flutter & Dart, Print Hello World with Dart

Lecture 2. Dart

– Introduction to Dart, Control Statement and Collections, Functions, Var, Final, Const

Lecture 3. OOP in dart

– Class, Object, Enum, Inheritance, Polymorphism, Encapsulation

 Lecture 4. Dart in Advance I

 – Named, Optional, Required, Async/Await, Extensions

 Lecture 5. Dart in Advance II

– Streams, Generics, Null safety

Lecture 6. Flutter Start

 – Setup a project, What’s widget? Create first widgets, Hot restart/ Hot reload

Lecture 7. Essential Widgets

 – Column/ Row, Text, Scaffold, AppBar, ListView, Image, Textfield

Lecture 8. Designing Static UI

– Material App, Responsive UI, User interactions

Lecture 9. State Management

– Stateful vs Stateless, Future Builder, Stream Builder

 Lecture 10. Advanced state management

 – Http Call, Flutter bloc

Lecture 11. Flutter Advanced I

– Navigation, Theme, Translation

 Lecture 12. Flutter Advanced II

– Flutter build mode, Unit testing

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