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Turbulent Flows Course-Basic Concept, Modeling and CFD Simulation-Run1, 2025

Organized by the World-Academies, Knowledge Management Startup of the Technical University of Dresden, Germany.

Supervised Live-Online Course, 14 Lectures x 90 min (7 Weeks) April 07 to May 21, 2025 , Mondays and Wednesdays, 3:00-4:30 pm, Berlin Time. Registration Form 👇 , Deadline: March 31, For Early Registration Discounts March 20). A basic course on Turbulence Concept, Modeling and CFD Simulation including basic turbulence models such as k-e and k-w and advanced and complicated turbulence models such as SST, RSM and turbulence-resolving methods such as LES, DES, PANS.

Course content

The physics of turbulence, molecular and eddy viscosities concepts and scales, energy cascade and budget of turbulent motion will be discussed. The Reynolds Averaged Navier Stokes (RANS), Turbulent Shear Stress and the clouser problem will be discussed towards introducing zero and two equation models (K-e, K-w, …). Reynolds Stress Models (RSM) also will be introduced in some detail. Different modeling approaches will be discussed and practiced for CFD simulations of selected fluid dynamics, heat and mass transfer case studies.

Turbulence-resolving methods will be discussed including:

  • LES (Large Eddy Simulations).
  • URANS (Unsteady Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes)
  • DES (Detached-Eddy Simulations)

In LES the Navier-Stokes equations are filtered over a small volume (usually the computational cell). Thereby the dependent variables are split into one subgrid part (turbulent fluctuations smaller than the cell) and one resolved part (turbulent scales which are resolved by our numerical method)

Registration Form

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Lecture1Turbulence Basic Concepts, Definition and Specifications, Modeling Approaches, Large and Small Eddies, Energy cascade and process created by vorticity
Lecture2Scales in Turbulence, Vorticity, Vortex and Eddy concepts, Correlation function for
estimation of eddies distribution size, Kolmogorov Hypothesis on eddies size
and energy cascade.
Lecture3Types of Turbulent Flows, Homogeneity & Isotropic properties, Direct Numerical Simulation(DNS), required mesh size and time step as the function of Reynolds, Averaging in space and time towards RANS modeling 
 Turbulence Models 
Lecture4Turbulence Models Introduction, Boussinesq Assumption, Mixing Length Theory, Eddy-Viscosity, Zero Equation Models, The Modelled k Equation, One Equation Models 
Lecture5Two-Equation Turbulence Models, Wall Functions, K-e and K-w Models, Transport Equation for Turbulent kinetic energy, Spatial vs. spectral energy transfer 
Lecture6Low-Re Number Turbulence Models, Low-Re K-e & K-w Models, Non-Isotropic K-e 
Lecture7Boundary Conditions in Turbulence, Inlet/Outlet Conditions, Wall Functions, K-e values at boundary layer, Wall Treatment B.C., Low
Reynolds (near wall) K-e and K-w models.
Lecture8Turbulence CFD Simulation 1: RANS, k-omega, k-epsilon (Computational Code Programing, Open Foam, SimScale/Ansys) 
Lecture9Renormalized Group (RNG) , Shear Stress Transport (SST) Model 
Lecture10Reynolds Stress Models (RSM) Turbulence Modeling, concepts, methodologies and applications, Unsteady RANS (URANS)
 Large Eddy Simulation 
Lecture11Large Eddy Simulations Time averaging and filtering, Differences between time-averaging (RANS) and space filtering (LES)Resolved & SGS scales, The box-filter and the cut-off filter, Highest resolved wavenumbers 
Lecture12Large Eddy Simulations (Cont.) Subgrid model, Smagorinsky model vs. mixing-length model RANS vs. LES One-equation ksgs model, Smagorinsky model derived from the ksgs equation, A dynamic one-equation model, A Mixed Model Based on a One-Eq. Model, Applied LES resolution requirements 
 DES: Detached Eddy Simulation 
Lecture13DES based on two-equation models, DES based on the K-w SST model, DDES Hybrid LES-RANS Momentum equations in hybrid LES-RANS, The one-equation hybrid LES-RANS model 
Lecture14Turbulence CFD Simulation 2: LES Open Foam Programing, SimScale/Ansys 


  • Fluid Mechanics or Viscous Fluid Flow, CFD or some related courses
  • Familiar with some software (Open Foam, Ansys Fluent, .. Coding, )

Selected References:

1- P. A. Durbin and B. A. Pettersson Reif “Statistical Theory and Modeling for Turbulent Flows” 2011, Second Edition.

2-Davis C. Wilcox “Turbulence Model for CFD” 2006, third edition.

3- S.B. Pope. Turbulent Flow. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, 2001.

4-H. Tennekes and J.L. Lumley. A First Course in Turbulence. The MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1972.

5- P. Bradshaw. Turbulence. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1976.

6- Papers, Reports and Slides given you during the course. 

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    1. Dear Xinyi, thanks for your message. I think WAC Registration Section replied you already about starting our course on Thursday 14:30 (Berlin Time), and sent you the details and required WAC Zoom link. Please let us know if you need more information and support that we can do.

  1. hi,
    Its been a day and I have not received confirmation of my registration for this course (Turbulent Flows Course-Basic Concept, Modeling and CFD Simulation-Run3 2024-25 June to 04 August 2024).
    Can you please check?

  2. Also registered and paid, but did not receive any email or information. I created world-academies account after making payment. Can the course be linked to this account?

  3. Please note: We have had more than 90 participants in our 3 runs Turbulence Course, for which we have received very positive feedback from many participants. As World-Academies is a Supervised-Live platform for interactive Online Education, the communications and confirmation of the registration, preparing certificates, etc, are basically performed by the WAC staff, mentors and instructors and not automatic reply. This is why you may face with a few days waiting time to receive reply. However all cases have been manage in time so far, and all registered participants have received confirmation, and participated in our fruitful live lectures, reviewed recordings, and illustrated impressive progress in covered topics. Thanks for all of your valuable contributions.