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Machine Learning with Python Course-1-R2

New Run: Online Course, 8 Sessions x 90 min, 4 Weeks November 6 to 28, 2023, Mondays and Tuesdays 17:30-19:00

Registration Form 👇(Course #: WACourse-ML-1-R2-Nov-2023), Extended Deadline 2 November:

Course Content and Agenda:

Section I- Introduction to Python Programing

Session 1-Data type, operators, variables, string, formatted string, sets.

Session 2– List, Tuple, dictionary, conditional logic, loops- Project 1

Session 3– Function and scope

Session 4– Object oriented programming (OOP) & Error handling & Modules-Project 2

Section II- Introduction to Machine Learning

Session 5- Approaches and Tools in Machine Learning, Pandas, Numpy, Matplotlib

Session 6- Machine learning with scikit-learn (Supervised learning: Regression)-Project 3

Session 7- Machine learning with scikit-learn (Supervised learning: Classification)

Session 8- An overview toDeep LearningProject 4

Registration Form:

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* Signup to be World-Academies (WAC) Member

** Application for Upgrading to WAC Group Leader

***Application for Remote Training and Research Collaboration

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  1. Dear Sir,
    Hope you are doing fine. I have a question. After enrolling the course, is it possible to have the recording? Cause, there are a lot of students who wants to take the course, however, their classes ends at 5 or 6 pm. What’s your comment on that? Is it possible to shift the time a little bit so that students and professionals can also take the course?


    1. Dear Kawsar, yes the full lectures will be recorded, and the video will be available quickly after the course in the working group of the Machine Learning for the registered participants, for 6 months after the lectures are finished. Then the participants can join the lectures and also use the recorded video if for some sessions have timing problem.