Practical CFD Simulation Course: OpenFoam & CFD Software
Course Schedule: October 10 to November 30, 2023
(16 sessions x 90 min, 8 Weeks, Tuesdays & Thursdays, 16:00-17:30, Berlin Time Zone)
Basic Material & Energy Balance, Fluid Dynamics, Heat & Mass Transfer towards Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Simulation Approaches and Algorithms
For all engineers, experts and students in different fields of science and technology to apply CFD simulations for scientific and industrial career developments.
Extended Registration Deadline: 5 October, later registration will be considered in waiting list for the current course or early bird registration for the 2nd group organizing in January and February 2024.
About the course:
World-Academies, the Knowledge Management Startup for Remote Training and Research (RTR) collaborations, based at Technical University of Dresden in Germany, is going to organize online course “Practical CFD Simulation with OpenFoam, & CFD Platforms” such as SimScale from October 10 to November 30, 2023. The course is designed to be presented within 16 sessions x 90 min, (8 Weeks, Tuesdays and Thursdays, 16:00-17:30, Berlin Time Zone), covering subjects from basic concepts of material and energy balance, fluid dynamics, mass & heat transfer and Navier-Stokes Equations towards computational solution algorithms and CFD simulations using OpenFoam and CFD Software. The participants will be supported for one-year Academic License of SimScale. The selected participants can work with World-Academies and partners as RTR collaborators on related CFD projects.
Zellescher Weg 20 b, 01217 Dresden, Germany,

Registration Form
Please note: After registration in the course, RTR case should apply via following link (if they didn’t already), and describe their availability for collaboration with WAC, then WAC scientific board will review and inform you about it. WAC can consider 20% of the course capacity for the selected WAC group Leader and RTR applicants.
***Application for Remote Training and Research Collaboration
* Signup to be World-Academies (WAC) Member
** Application for Upgrading to WAC Group Leader
Corse Content:
Part I: Theoretical Concepts
Session1: Basic conservation laws, mass & energy transport phenomena, lumped and distributed process analysis (conductive, diffusive, convective and radiation processes, molecular and bulk properties, 1D, 2D, 3D, steady and unsteady concepts).
Session 2: Fluid Mechanics, Heat & Mass Transfer (overview on essential concepts, mechanisms and equations)
Session 3: Navier-Stokes Equations, an overview on natural phenomena and technological processes, 2D and 3D modeling. Challenges of the theoretical solutions considering initial & boundary conditions and geometry complexities.
Session 4: Turbulent Flows, Concepts & Modeling (RANS, Wall Functions, SST K-W & K-Epsilon, LES, RMS).
Part II-Finite Difference Approaches
Session5- Introduction to numerical simulations as alternative solutions for N.S. equations.
-Classification of the partial differential equations (parabolic, elliptic, and hyperbolic)
-Discretization and numerical solution algorithms, (explicit and implicit approaches).
-Numerical solution stability analysis
Session6- Compressibility and Viscos Effects
-1D and 2D Euler Equations (Inviscid, Compressible/Incompressible, Rotational)
-Navier-Stokes Equations (Viscous, Compressible, Rotational), Poisson Equation for pressure.
Session7- Material and Boundary Conditions, physical concepts, and computational settings.
-Rigid boundary (slip), no-slip, far-field, symmetry, Inflow/Outflow (pressure), temperature and heat flux, diffusion and reactive boundaries, periodic conditions, etc.
Case studies simulations via SimScale CFD Platform
Session 8- Multiphase Phase System Simulation: Front Tracking, Front Capturing, VOF, Surface Force, Interfacial Properties, Soft Matter Boundary Conditions).
Part III: Learning CFD with OpenFOAM, a Practical Approach
You will learn the followings topics when simulating various use cases using OpenFOAM during the workshop.
Session9: Introduction to CFD and CFD Workflow
-CFD Packages and Software
-Introduction to OpenFOAM
Session 10: Mesh Generation and Properties in OpenFOAM
-Meshing Tools in OpenFOAM
-Importance of Mesh Quality
Session 11: Discretization and Numerical Schemes for Finite Volume Method
-Finite Volume Method Basics: divergence, interpolation and other numerical schemes
-Time Integration Methods and CFL Conditions
Session 12: Setting Initial and Boundary Conditions
-Importance of Accurate Boundary Conditions
-Configuring Initial Conditions
-Pressure-Velocity Coupling Algorithms
Session 13: Incompressible and Compressible Flows
-Various solvers
-Turbulence Modeling in OpenFOAM
Session 14: Thermo-physical Models in OpenFOAM
-Modeling Heat Transfer
-Reactive Flows and Combustion
Session 15: Parallel Processing in CFD Simulations
-Post-Processing and Data Analysis
-Visualization Tools in OpenFOAM
Session 16: Multiphase Process Simulations
Note: The mentioned topics will be covered during 16 sessions, however, depends on the course progress the topics might be transferred from one to another sessions, a bit earlier or later.
Registration Fee and Discounts: The regular registration fee is 150 Euro. Discounts: Students 50%, World Academies (WAC) Members* 50 % , WAC-Students 60 %, WAC Group Leaders** & Selected RTR Applicants*** 100 % (free). Payment Method: WAC Paypal @worldacademies (if paypal method isn’t applicable for you please let us know via email to ). The first two sessions are free of charge (it means you can cancel your registration and refund after two sessions, however the priority of the registration confirmation is for the participants who complete the payment earlier).
Hi, Just curious. Would there be recordings of the lectures? The timing may not be convenient for US patrons.
If you have another course send me message
Machine Learning ,
And Surface Phenomena, Interfaces and Colloids
Are other planed courses in coming weeks
How much is the cost of this course 150 euros or 150,00 euros?
If you are an active WAC member it costs 75 euros, otherwise 150 euros.
I registered for this course. When do I get a notification and link for watching lectures and accessing study material?
Is the course held online? I have not received any payment confirmation link on my mail after I did the payment.
Unfortunately, it is not possible to attend the course for me if its offline.
You paid 150 euros on September 21, 2023 at 12:29 p.m. I’m sorry you didn’t receive a confirmation, but everything is fine. no worries.The course is online, but it is possible to watch the recorded videos later and they are available in the WAC for a long time.
Thank you very much for your reply. What does WAC mean? How can i access them?
Thanks and regards
WAC is an abbreviation of World Academies:
If the course is online, when can we expect the link to be shared to attend the course?
Thank you for the response.
If the course is online, when can we expect the link to be shared to attend the course?
What does WAC mean? How can i access the recordings later?
Thanks and Regards
Dear Kunal, thanks for your message, the World-Academies (WAC) registration section replied you already with the details of the CFD course agenda, and zoom meeting links. Let us know if you received it. However the registered participants are member of the WAC working group on CFD course with full access to the recorded video of the lectures after each session for 6 months.
Hello I registered in September 30, but until now I haven’t received any online link. When am I going to get the link?
Hello Hamed, welcome to the World-Academies (WAC), let us know if you need any support we can do.
Hello, I registered for this course on Sept 30 but haven’t received any notification or link for watching lectures. When should I expect to receive the link?
Hi I registered for the course a in late September and received payment confirmation but there were no emails about the course links our material. Is there anything wrong with my registration??
Hello. I hope this message finds you well. I have a problem with payment method. As I don’t have Paypal account I have to pay with credit card. However, the payment page did not transfer me to the payment method via credit card.
I am unable to make a payment through PayPal for Turkey. I would like to purchase the course. Could you please suggest an alternative solution?
Thank you.
I think you already managed it via contact to Registration@World-Academies.Com , let me know if you need any support in this regard.
Is there any other way to do the payment that is not PayPal
Yes David, please contact Registration@World-Academies.Com , they will support you in this regard.